Loyalty Program Frequently Ask Questions(FAQs)

CXBOX created a list of FAQs for clients who gets easy ideas of Loyalty programs. 

A loyalty program is designed as a marketing strategy to encourage the customers and to use the services regularly. In loyalty programs Customers earn points as rewards and that makes them in repeated purchase.

1.Point based programs
2.Cash back loyalty programs
3.Punch card programs
4.Tiered loyalty programs
5.Coalition loyalty programs
6.Premium loyalty programs
7.Hybrid loyalty programs

1.It increases revenue.
2.Saving money.
3.Gathers valuable data.
4.Make customers feel appreciated.
5.Sales will be increased.
6.Measure loyalty through engagement.
7.Better communication.
8.Self sufficient good program.
9.Attracting new customers.
10.Plenty of room for growth.

Omni channel CRM is a core effort to enable new strategies.It integrates latest technologies in the products and makes it trend to the customers.The omni channel CRM supports the key activities like targeting, acquiring, retaining, understanding and collaborating.

  • The six purposes of loyalty programs are
    Boosts growth and sales.
  • Maintain and gain customers.
  • More traffic to the site and marketing.
  • Build relationships.
  • Create brand advocates.
  • Improves overall business practices.

Pos system is more important as it reduces human errors in manual tasks and data collection from retail outlets

At first, study the customers behaviour and create the customer loyalty program.Set goals and budget measure with a CRM.Then set a budget and decide customers to target.

Choose a perfect great name with deeper meaning.And offer a variety of rewards to the customer actions.Make points valuable.Then provide multiple opportunities for customers to enroll.

CX business suite is a collection of tools and experiences designed particularly for implementing retail loyalty program. It makes a quick overview and analysis of customer data. It executes loyalty programs with the existing customer data.

A loyalty program is a reward program to answer the industry specific challenges.In retail it has large selling opportunities by giving access to vast products from various brands.

The point based loyalty program is designed with different earning rules.The customer’s purchases, behavior, and specific interactions will be rewarded. Customers receives loyalty points on their each purchase and redeem it with some special benefits.

A people counting system is an electronic device known as people counter.It saves money and gains valuable analytics, improves the visitor experience and optimises operations.

Footfall counter is an electronic device to measure the number of people who passes through a certain entrance.This footfall counting machine is designed with infrared time of flight technology.

The channel loyalty program is designed to get support from channel partners. And this expands the business growth.This loyalty program helps in selling products and services to the stakeholders like distributors, dealers and retailers.

Channel sales incentives, channel SPIFFs, channel rebates, reference incentives, warranty registrations and bundling, enablement and training incentives, loyalty incentives and partner retention, channel marketing incentives, activity based incentives, VAR incentives.

The business to business loyalty program is designed with loyalty logic inorder to help by establishing brand loyalty in which they are selling.

B2B loyalty program plays a vital role in e-commerce.It is used in building long term relationships and more access to the clients and also in potential business engagements.

1.Engaging resources should be given to b2b clients.
2.Educate customers in a right way.
3.Customers to be improved by their feedback.
4.keep fingers on customer’s pulse.
5.Make business personal.
6.Loyal customers to be treated with a surprise.
7.Non-stop communication.
8.Build trust with a social proof.

A channel loyalty program requires a qualified channel partner to implement a loyalty program. To take the business forward implement the appropriate agenda by evaluating the need for training. Frame your goals by identifying the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by briefing it to the channel partners. Finally, create one by choosing the right loyalty program.

A tiered loyalty program is categorized under few membership programs in which the customers enjoy different loyalty programs by making benefits depending on their ranks by dividing them into certain groups according to certain metrics.

Generally, a loyalty program involves the operator of a specific program to set up an account for a loyal customer who is associated with the scheme after which, the card known as the loyalty card is issued to the customer in the form of rewards card, advantage card, points card, club card or other which can mostly be in the form of plastic or paper.

Influencer loyalty programs are customized to outreach and engage these programs with the key influencers. Initially, the key influencers are identified through market research and benchmarks to develop a custom mobile or web app to collate and validate the transaction data leading to data backed approach and relying on new age reward solutions like e-wallets, cash cards and UPI’s.

The dealer loyalty program focusses on creating a platform to engage with the single brand or multi – brand dealers and incentivize them on the business they are provoking for the client. To establish this a conceptual approach is executed through a loyalty program where clients belonging to different countries are effectively engaged.

Incentives has been consistently increasing sales to influence the employees in utilize their maximum effort in marketing where there is 30% chance of increasing the company’s sales but it can sometimes be challenging where you require an effective sales incentive program made by a right incentive provider to motivate your sales force to the next level.

There is a list of objectives which can be achieved through sales personnel by offering incentives. This can

  • Increase morale to help the employees to work effectively to accomplish the company’s goals
  • Increases productivity and generates additional revenues from new customers
  • Improve the services provided to the customers focussing on their satisfaction
  • Fostering peer to peer engagement to create a collaborative environment.

Employee engagement platform helps businesses to increase employee engagement in improving the employee and customer experience simultaneously. They are often software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms which are chosen by HR departments, implemented with HR’s guidance along with the managers, the C-suite, IT, and other members of the organization.

Employee engagement program is designed as a unique approach in a workplace where certain conditions are laid for the employees to give their best on each day which would maximize the organisation’s goals and values contributing to the organisational success.

It is vital to monitor the performance of your recognition program to ensure that your investment is getting more positive results and tangible financial returns.Some of them include:

  • Solicit feedbacks obtained from employee recognition program
  • Have a quantitative data to reinforce the survey results. 
  • Check the overall performance or returns on investment
  • Increasing the productivity
  • Improving the retention rates
  • Increasing the retention rates
  • Gaining happy employees and happy customers
  • Lowering absenteeism
  • Making loyal employees with the betterment of work
  • Creating positive vibes to make the employee work harder

CXBOX Employ easy has a sole objective to help you give your best by running your business

  • Administering the non-profitable HR functions
  • Assuming the liability on behalf of your company to help you get a peace of mind.
  • Creates reliability which is disciplined and dependable
  • Takes initiative and responsibility by offering solutions to problems
  • Possess a good attitude with a positive look and a pleasant disposition
  • Enhance communication skills to deliver the best performance

Dealers should be given the tools and opportunity to expand their sales on products to become successful with your brand. If there is no demand at retail for your products, demonstrate by giving a ray of hope that one can create a huge demand through shared online sales.

Understand your current customers by

  • Preparing a customer loyalty program
  • Set the goals and monitor it with a CRM
  • Fix a budget
  • Focus on the target customers
  • Choose the tactics to encourage client loyalty

One among the best example is the Designer Shoe Warehouse which has a long run traditional loyalty program to reward the customers with points for each purchase and includes tiers of rewards where customers can unlock as they spend more. Their program runs seamlessly.

The working program of the loyalty program is calculated when the average lifetime value of the loyalty program transcends non- loyalty customers. From this, we can make out that the loyalty program works as customized

Adopt these metrics to measure the effectiveness of loyalty programs

  • Consider the enrolment rates to start discovering your loyalty program.
  • Check the activation rate or engagement rate for active members versus non-members.
  • Repeat the purchase rate to make the repeat conversion rate higher
  • Calculate the average spend per member to retain them
  • Maintain a lifetime value with a reduction in discount cost for an increase in organic return rate
  • Measure the Net Prompter Score to get excited about your loyalty program

When your loyal customers get extremely satisfied, they turned to be loyal promoters. On an average 13.67% of the points issued through reward programs can actually be a good reward. If you have 15% of the redemption rate it is good but if you aim higher than 20% it means you are doing a great job.

The redemption point for a loyalty program is the percent of points that have been issued and later were redeemed for rewards. The basic loyalty point calculation is for every 100 rupees spent a customer gets 1 point.

The consumer loyalty program is a marketing strategy which is crafted to encourage the customers to continue shopping or make use of services associated with the program. Customers can claim a discount for the current purchase or get points added in the card for future purchases.

  • Starbucks Rewards program – customer gets a free drink or food for each purchase
  • Virgin Atlantic Flying Club program – allows customer to earn tier points which provides different benefits
  • Amazon Prime membership – Regular buyers get a bunch of benefits including 2 days of free shipping on purchase of wide range of products.
  • They never consider cost as an issue
  • They start advocating for you
  • They give reviews or feedbacks
  • They invite you to industry events
  • They approach you for everything
  • They come to you frequently by trusting you 

The strategy of a loyalty program is to deliver insight to build customer relationships where the customers should approach you again and again. It is also essential for the company to deliver the value the customer expect

  • Give recognition to the hardworking employees with a meaningful gift
  • Adopt a tiered commission structure
  • Offer bonuses on a quarterly basis
  • Treat your sales team with a reward
  • Leverage the power of SPIF’s to reward immediately for a sale.

Yes, the sales are increased by loyalty programs when you help the customers by providing them with a proper customer service, and also offer valuable data to the retailers to understand their customers in a better way.

  • Provide offers or discounts
  • Reward the customers
  • Promote your rewards program
  • Encourage referrals
  • Create a point system
  • Ask for feedback
  • Provide a subscription or after sales service

A volume incentive rebate is a program which should be designed to encourage huge purchases across certain or specified product lines. The incentives offered  means that if the buyer purchases more volume  over the course of the deal, they can receive better price per unit.

Some loyalty programs because they fail to offer value to the customers. If the customers are dissatisfied with your programs or service, they never take chances to make a second visit or contact you in future endeavours.

No specific type of ecommerce store is best all has their own merits as there are different types of loyalty programs varying from one business to the other. Mostly it depends on the customer personas and innovative measures taken to satisfy the customers. 

Typically, the answer would be yes because they own a membership in the loyalty program to spend more to maximize their points and claim for discounts or offers. On the other perspective, loyalty members spend more than non-loyalty members.

The return on investment is sometimes daunting to measure but it can be easily calculated by using a simple formula. 

ROI = (money earned – money spent)/ money spent * 100)

  • Make easy steps for the customers to participate
  • Explain the working style of the program
  • Show the status of the rewards
  • Offer incentives
  • Make customers glad
  • Request for feedback from the customers

The activities like ensuring shopper retention, helping acquiring new customers, segmenting customers based on their purchase, reducing churn, identifying new brand ambassadors, increasing the lifetime value and saving marketing cost can be rewarded.

It is called the “shared loyalty programs where multiple brands merge together into a partnership and offer a group or joint loyalty program. After the merge, the customers are offered with rewards which can be earned from a variety of participating brands, including options to redeem rewards at the brand as per their choice.

It is a quality service to satisfy the customers where the personalized dedication and redemption ensures that the incentives and rewards reach the customers which would further expand sourcing, distribution and logistics of rewards to the loyalty members across the country.

loyalty retail programs
loyalty retail programs

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